Well. I am going to spotlight for some yarn shopping for the trip to Tioman. I am excited! Not to mention that I will also be meeting my friend for a Japanese buffet lunch. Ah...fatness. But I believe sashimi is worth it:)
I will post my purchases next time! Ciao!
May 31, 2011
May 27, 2011
Fruit fact #1 -Grapefruit
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source: http://fraildolls.tumblr.com/ |
Five reasons why Rebecca loves grapefruit and why you should too!:
- Firstly, it is PINK inside. Well, maybe reddish pink or pinkish red. Whatever. My favourite colour!
- Secondly, it is an excellent source of vitamin C! Do you know that vitamin C is required in the synthesis of collagen? So those of you out there consuming collagen for anti-aging, please remember to consume some vitamins C too, or you are just wasting your money.
- Thirdly, grapefruits are full of antioxidants! It is has one of the highest antioxidant activity! The main antioxidant, Lycopene, is said to reduce the risks of cancer, especially prostate cancer(for guys). I cannot imagine guys eating it though. It seem like a girly fruit to me.
- Fourthly, there is this thing in the grapefruit called limonoids that inhibit tumor formation by promoting the formation of a detoxifying enzyme. Double joy!
- Lastly, it is said to help in weight loss. In fact, celebrities are known to have grapefruit diet. But this is the last on my list though. I do not think I can eat the same fruit straight for 10 to 12 days:/
I got most of this information from here and wiki. The first point is all mine though:)
Oh well, in case you are wondering why I am writing this, it is because I have always wanted to be a nutritionist and sharing facts and healthy eating with everyone is sort of my passion:D Thought I would share this little tidbit with all of you:)
Okay, actually, I was going to tell you a nice way to eat the grapefruit. I guess it is an acquired taste because it can be bitter and sour, but I like it. I have weird taste, I know.
My mom told me that adding a little salt before eating makes it taste better. You know what, it really does. Try it, and tell me how it goes:) Healthy nom-ing everyone!
Yup, that's all. Ciao!
May 25, 2011
GIFs from shows I enjoy!
Well, this post is dedicated to the shows that I love! Decided to make some of the GIFs because I could not find what I like:)
This is from Sailormoon(love). I should totally do this! I need it!
"I am not having a good time"
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http://sailormoongifs.tumblr.com/ |
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Made this:) |
Believe it or not, this is from Sailormoon. Creepy right? Gives a new meaning to *roll eyes*
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http://tvdgifs.tumblr.com/tagged/damon+salvatore/page/35 |
Sigh. I love Ian Somerhalder's eyes. They are blue/green(looks like sliver to me) in colour. *eye fetish*
AND, Delena all the way! Haha. I have this thing for reformed bad boys*wriggles eyebrow* <--I cannot do that in reality:( Love love vampire diaries<3
Okayyy. I know all of you must be judging me now. But I really liked this part. I wonder how did they manage to make? a body. Or was it a dead body?
Haha, yup. That's all. Maybe I should make a tutorial on how to make a GIF my way! Haha:) Ciao!
AND, Delena all the way! Haha. I have this thing for reformed bad boys*wriggles eyebrow* <--I cannot do that in reality:( Love love vampire diaries<3
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Made this too. |
Haha, yup. That's all. Maybe I should make a tutorial on how to make a GIF my way! Haha:) Ciao!
vampire diaries
May 24, 2011
Break from study break. Some crochet projects to try:)
I am a little excited. My mom just told me that we are going on a 3D2N trip to Tioman Island, Malaysia from the 2nd to 4th June. It is like my break from the intense studying I am going to make myself go through. Sigh. We are supposed to go snorkeling there, but I have this feeling that I might not be able to go into the water due to unforeseen circumstances. In that case, I have an good idea! I am going to make a trip down to Spotlight and grab some Yarns and needles and crochet on the beach!(in the shade) Good idea? Haha. It has been so longgg since my fingers made something! I hope that this journey will be fruitful and I will make many somethings! I have some ideas on what I wanna make:
Here, another cute pattern calling me to try it out! Hehe:)
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source:http://handmadekittyblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/onigiri-couple-amigurumi-crochet.html |
Isn't this cute? I think it would be nice to make one of these.
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source: http://berrysprite.blogspot.com/2010/07/amigurumi-small-takochu-tutorial.html |
It is pretty difficult to find something that I really like. Maybe I should make some patterns on my own, try it out:/
Yup, That's all, ciao!
May 18, 2011
In my shopping cart...#2 [Kawaii Japan (L)]
Well, I have been looking at many Japanese kawaii stuff recently. These are some of them I really love.
I know that Liz Lisa has many pretty clothes, but this belongs to their sub brand Tralala. Haha. Cute name for a shop that sells cute clothes. This dress really looks nice with the crochet shrug. This is a whooping 7245 yen though.
Have I ever told you what an interesting website Strapya is? Oh yes, I am telling you now, it is very interesting. It sells gadget and stuff from Japan. All of us know that Japan is the Queen(because countries are female) of weird and awesome stuff! See that thingie up there? It is Blood Slime and...it comes in a blood bag! Exciting??? Imagine the pranks you can play. Woohoo! But there is no price tag though. Then again, awesomeness is priceless:)
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source: http://lizlisalove.tumblr.com/ |
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source: http://www.strapya-world.com/categories/2331_5943.html |
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source: http://www.japantrendshop.com/relaxing-ocean-projector-pot-p-607.html |
Another thing about me, I have this thing for the sea. The clear blue sea, not the one we have in Singapore:( I think it has something to do with me wanting to be a mermaid with long hair. Haha. That was my wish when I was a little girl. This projector gives you the illusion that you are in the sea, cool max? Yup, it will relax and calm you down. It seem to be able to be a speaker too but I am not too sure about that. It would be even better it we can use it for some essential oil. Then, I would be happy. US$68 for one from Japan Trend Shop.
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source: http://www.jbox.com/product/FK696 |
J-box is another place to go if you wanna see kawaii stuff! I lovelovelove cotton candy and would lovelovelove to have this cotton candy maker from J-box. It costs $150! But think, one hard candy to make yummy cotton candy. Nom nom nom! J-box is especially good to look at their bento making aids.
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source: http://en.item.rakuten.com/dreamv/501539/ |
I love this pair of boots. It is sooo pretty. Furthermore, it does not look terribly painful to walk in. A little platform in the front there ought to help you walk better right? Haha. This is not expensive, S$30.29. This is excluding shipping though.
Oh well. This is all for today. Yupyup. I love Japanese products. I wanna go there for a shopping spree. Who wants to sponsor me? Or donate to the ''Rebecca's shopping fund'' Haha:)
May 17, 2011
Happy Vesak Day!
Well. First of all, Happy Vesak Day! I went to 3 step 1 bow this morning(0030), so now I feel a little ''jellified''. In case you are curious, three bow one step is ....
Those in the orange robes are the monks that live in the temple and the normal commoners(like me) are behind. Many people think that this is a very silly practice and why do some Buddhist do it. I had to queue for like 4 hours before I got to my turn. Each session is about 2.5 hours, the distance is about 1-2km? Well.
source: http://kmspks.org/events/gallery/vesak2554 |
"Every prostration is the paying of respects to the Buddha (also include Bodhisattvas). This practice helps to purify the mind, humble the ego and lessen obstacles along the spiritual path as one repents past misdeeds and aspires towards spiritual development. With mindfulness of one’s body, speech and mind during the journey, spiritual qualities are cultivated."
This paragraph from the temple website sums it off quite well. Whether you believe in it or not, it is your own wish. But this is definitely not compulsory. I think less than 5 percent of the Buddhist in Singapore do it.
Yup, just a short post. Ciao!
May 15, 2011
5 Cool DIYs I wanna try! #3
Well, I found more DIYs I wanna try! AHHH. I want December first to come faster and at the same time, I want more time to study:( Sigh. Priorities, priorities.
I do not use clutches, but this tutorial is wayyy cool. It revamped some not-so-good looking clutch. The result is so amazing. Sigh. You can totally pin on some notes on it, especially when doing some grocery shopping. Haha:) Yup, I want that pink glue gun there!
This is really pretty easy! Get it? It is pretty and easy to make:) I wanna.
Nom nom, anyone? Oreo, yum. Chocolate chip cookies, yum. Oreo in chocolate cookies, YUMYUMYUM.
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source: http://whatiwore.tumblr.com/post/5360938709/diy-cork-clutch |
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source: http://www.vanessachristenson.com/2011/03/v-and-co-how-to-jersey-knit-bracelet.html |
I think the finger weaving method is quite interesting. I wanna try that.
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source: http://www.themotherhuddle.com/tutorial-hair-bow-from-vintage-handkerchief/ |
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source: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/can-tab-and-shoelace-bracelet |
Yes, another pop tab bracelet. Haha. I still have not started collecting any yet! But I like this:)
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source: http://picky-palate.com/2011/01/06/oreo-stuffed-chocolate-chip-cookies/ |
Yup, That's all for today. Ciao!
May 11, 2011
Amazing videos
Well, I have been looking at interesting videos on youtube and these are a few interesting ones:
This is an amazing video on how to pack up your house(and put on make up) in 5 minutes while your boyfriend is waiting outside the house. It is such a funny video:)
This is an amazing video on how to pack up your house(and put on make up) in 5 minutes while your boyfriend is waiting outside the house. It is such a funny video:)
Another cool video on how to create shaved ice from water straight away:)
This is soo funny! For those who do not understand Chinese, the video shows you how to climb up the staircase without feeling so tired. The rationale is, when you lift up your butt with your hands while walking up, you get to use another muscle to help you climb up. Thus, it will not be so tiring. The thing is...everyone will look at you funny if you do that, right? =__=||| Haha. I came up with an idea. Put your hands in your back pockets and pretend to be cool while holding your butt. HAHA. Okay. Even better idea----why not take the lift instead?
Haha. That's all. Yupyup, ciao!
May 10, 2011
Deactivation complete.
Well. I deactivated my Facebook account. I never realized how much time I have been on Facebook, it seem so normal for me to click the bookmark and check in every day. Then, from there, I would see that it is someone's birthday, wish them then carry on stalking people. I like to look at pictures of other people and see what is going on in their life. 15 minutes become 1 hour--> destructive behavior :/
Oh well. I am currently listening to Lady Gaga's ''The edge of glory''. I like it. I realize that she seem to be singing different kinds of songs? Well. I am not a music expert, so it is not really my place to say anything. Oh well. Today is such a blah day. The weather is hot and cold. First, scorching sun, then heavy rain for 15 minutes and back to the sun. The temperature in my room yesterday night was 32.5 degree Celsius. HOT. My father allowed the air conditioning to be switched on so it was not that bad after that. I wonder how my friend manages to sleep without the fan or the air-con. I am not in the mood today, but this cannot carry on. This is not good for my grades.
I am excited for the next episode of Vampire Diaries!!! It is pretty much the only drama I watch. I like movies about vampires with some exceptions like Twilight(no glittering in the sun for me please.) I cannot wait to see what happens next! I do not want Damon to die!!! NOOO! I love his eyes(fetish alert). I am glad that they will be up for the third season:) I think I am very mean. To tell you the truth, I only like watching show with good looking actors/actress. Well. In my defense, watching the show is supposed to be relaxing for my eyes. If I am so disturbed by how the person looks, how do I enjoy the show? Haha. That is just me.
That's all. Have you noticed that I like to jump topics? Yup, I think I do that a lot. DAMON CANNOT DIEEE:'(
Oh well. I am currently listening to Lady Gaga's ''The edge of glory''. I like it. I realize that she seem to be singing different kinds of songs? Well. I am not a music expert, so it is not really my place to say anything. Oh well. Today is such a blah day. The weather is hot and cold. First, scorching sun, then heavy rain for 15 minutes and back to the sun. The temperature in my room yesterday night was 32.5 degree Celsius. HOT. My father allowed the air conditioning to be switched on so it was not that bad after that. I wonder how my friend manages to sleep without the fan or the air-con. I am not in the mood today, but this cannot carry on. This is not good for my grades.
I am excited for the next episode of Vampire Diaries!!! It is pretty much the only drama I watch. I like movies about vampires with some exceptions like Twilight(no glittering in the sun for me please.) I cannot wait to see what happens next! I do not want Damon to die!!! NOOO! I love his eyes(fetish alert). I am glad that they will be up for the third season:) I think I am very mean. To tell you the truth, I only like watching show with good looking actors/actress. Well. In my defense, watching the show is supposed to be relaxing for my eyes. If I am so disturbed by how the person looks, how do I enjoy the show? Haha. That is just me.
That's all. Have you noticed that I like to jump topics? Yup, I think I do that a lot. DAMON CANNOT DIEEE:'(
May 09, 2011
Onions make me cry.
Well. Right now, my mom is cutting up onions in the kitchen. I am in my room and I feel like crying!!! Whoa! I cannot cut or peel or fry onions for nuts. I will cry:'( This is not good because I like eating food with onions. For example, pasta(must have onions), tuna with onions and sardines stir-fried with onions(yummy!) So now my eyes are threatening to cry as I am typing this.
On the topic of crying, I wasted my day away on Friday, when I had a half day off from school. Argh. I choose to call it the 'stress relief day' a.k.a 'let me be lazy day'. Well. What I did was...I read 'The Notebook' by Nicholas Sparks. Oh my god. It was so so so good. I watched the movie three times, and I cried every time. It was that good. However, people said that it was nothing compared to the book. I was a little curious, but frankly speaking, I am a little prejudiced. I seldom read books by male authors. So weird right? Especially since it is a romance novel, so I was thinking, he is a guy, it is a bit disturbing that he writes romance novels. Well. I take back my words. He is absolutely AMAZING. I was crying as I read the book-___-|| I would not say the book is better, it is a different perspective from the movie. I enjoyed both. I also watched 'A walk to remember'. It is a movie adapted from a book of the same name, also by Nicholas Sparks. Sigh. I am not really into romance comedies though. I am so tempted to read all the books by Nicholas Sparks now!
On a more serious note, the elections are finally over! I am pretty sad that Mr George Yeo is no longer a member of Parliament. He was our Foreign Minister. That is a very important post in Singapore especially, since we depend a lot on the other countries. I suppose I will not talk so much about politics, because it can be a very sensitive issue. What I will say is, I think voters can be irrational-->not good:(
Yup, I am enjoying the last long weekend this month. Ciao.
On the topic of crying, I wasted my day away on Friday, when I had a half day off from school. Argh. I choose to call it the 'stress relief day' a.k.a 'let me be lazy day'. Well. What I did was...I read 'The Notebook' by Nicholas Sparks. Oh my god. It was so so so good. I watched the movie three times, and I cried every time. It was that good. However, people said that it was nothing compared to the book. I was a little curious, but frankly speaking, I am a little prejudiced. I seldom read books by male authors. So weird right? Especially since it is a romance novel, so I was thinking, he is a guy, it is a bit disturbing that he writes romance novels. Well. I take back my words. He is absolutely AMAZING. I was crying as I read the book-___-|| I would not say the book is better, it is a different perspective from the movie. I enjoyed both. I also watched 'A walk to remember'. It is a movie adapted from a book of the same name, also by Nicholas Sparks. Sigh. I am not really into romance comedies though. I am so tempted to read all the books by Nicholas Sparks now!
On a more serious note, the elections are finally over! I am pretty sad that Mr George Yeo is no longer a member of Parliament. He was our Foreign Minister. That is a very important post in Singapore especially, since we depend a lot on the other countries. I suppose I will not talk so much about politics, because it can be a very sensitive issue. What I will say is, I think voters can be irrational-->not good:(
Yup, I am enjoying the last long weekend this month. Ciao.
May 04, 2011
Well, today, I was so shocked by one of the teacher's behavior! She makes me speechless. Okay. This really happened. You see, we were having our CCA(something like a club/society) meeting to write our SGC(which is like testimonial) and we were supposed to write down the things we have done for the CCA. Since I am a repeat student, I sort of have a lot of things to write in it because I have one more year worth of stuff to write. Like duh. This teacher, who came in one year later than my original batch, walked from behind me and saw what I wrote on my notebook. I had noted down all the things that we had done in the CCA in year 2009. Anyway, she walked up behind me, paused and SNICKERED!!! Oh my god. What is this??? I know you do not like me or the people in my batch but must you snicker? Where is your professionalism? Well, not like you are much older than me anyway. Okay. I know you must be wondering what is this all about.
You see, I sort of wrote down all the things we did, at the same time, I doodled all over my paper. I frankly do not know if she was laughing at my doodles or the things I wrote. I know that she is prejudiced against me and etc, but you are a teacher. You should not show your students that side of you. It is not very nice of you to snicker at anyone anyway. Arg.
I sort of have a love-hate relationship with my CCA. I actually love what we do. We hosted people from Germany, learned a lot of stuff about ourselves and I got to go to the German embassy. Seriously, it has given me a lot of opportunities to meet a lot of people from all over the world. I love doing that. But the thing is, the people in the CCA can be very very two-faced and yucky to know. For my year, I know it was because we were all leaders in our previous schools, and we had over own ways of doing things, everyone is a leader in their way and there are only so many opportunities for leadership in one CCA so someone has to be the follower. Fair enough. The leaders in the committee were chosen by teachers. Their judgement may not be perfect, but it is non-arguable. For the next year, guess how did they choose the exco members? No teachers opinion were really involved. "write down the names of ten people you want to choose to be in exco" ??? Is this even reasonable? GROWL.
I feel as if I have done a lot for the CCA, but I am not being credited at all. Everytime someone needs help, I offer my help. But this help is not acknowledged, and it makes me irritated. You should really give credit when credit is due you know?
This CCA has really shown me that there are really many many kinds of people in the world. Their attitudes differ and I really do not know how some of them think. So weird. Or maybe I am the weird one. Anyway, it can be amusing or irritating. *rolls eyes*
I am just so traumatized by the today's meeting. Thank god it is the last meeting ever. Yupyup. Story of my exciting life. Ciao!
Rebecca -____-||||
You see, I sort of wrote down all the things we did, at the same time, I doodled all over my paper. I frankly do not know if she was laughing at my doodles or the things I wrote. I know that she is prejudiced against me and etc, but you are a teacher. You should not show your students that side of you. It is not very nice of you to snicker at anyone anyway. Arg.
I sort of have a love-hate relationship with my CCA. I actually love what we do. We hosted people from Germany, learned a lot of stuff about ourselves and I got to go to the German embassy. Seriously, it has given me a lot of opportunities to meet a lot of people from all over the world. I love doing that. But the thing is, the people in the CCA can be very very two-faced and yucky to know. For my year, I know it was because we were all leaders in our previous schools, and we had over own ways of doing things, everyone is a leader in their way and there are only so many opportunities for leadership in one CCA so someone has to be the follower. Fair enough. The leaders in the committee were chosen by teachers. Their judgement may not be perfect, but it is non-arguable. For the next year, guess how did they choose the exco members? No teachers opinion were really involved. "write down the names of ten people you want to choose to be in exco" ??? Is this even reasonable? GROWL.
I feel as if I have done a lot for the CCA, but I am not being credited at all. Everytime someone needs help, I offer my help. But this help is not acknowledged, and it makes me irritated. You should really give credit when credit is due you know?
This CCA has really shown me that there are really many many kinds of people in the world. Their attitudes differ and I really do not know how some of them think. So weird. Or maybe I am the weird one. Anyway, it can be amusing or irritating. *rolls eyes*
I am just so traumatized by the today's meeting. Thank god it is the last meeting ever. Yupyup. Story of my exciting life. Ciao!
Rebecca -____-||||
May 02, 2011
Public holidays, love ya!
Something happened on Friday which was embarrassing and blah, I do not really want to talk about it. But anyway, I am back feeling much better (and more determined) than ever! I have been watching the news on the upcoming elections and rallies online. It is quite funny to see some of the parties as they tried to make their stand. I agree with some point and disagree in the others. I feel that some of their points seem to be very short term. They did not really think about the long term effects it has on Singapore as a whole. Hmmm...I am really interested in politics. I think I read more about it than my parents although they are the ones voting. Haha. If you are interested in Singapore's General elections 2011, do listen to some of their speeches:)
You know something? I always think and think about why my life seems so difficult. Why must I go through such emotional distress and torture? Why is it that some people have it so easy? Then I realized something. My life is actually not very difficult at all. It is just that I sometimes take things too hard. I see some things that are said about me to be something that is against me. I am just to sensitive to the things that are happening around me. It can be a little disturbing. Adding to that, I am a very (x1000) emotional person. I feel very strongly(is this the correct way to express it?) Well, I cry at movies, I cry when I read my books and I cry when I listen to songs. WHO DOES THAT? 0.0 Anyway, the one of the songs in question happens to be this:
It is a very old song, but I just felt so....sad when I heard it. Maybe you will not feel the same way as I do, but I think it is a great song. How do I help you say goodbye by Patty Loveless.
I had a really really weird dream this week. I invited three friends over to my house for three different reasons. Lynette, Freya and someone(I do not know who this person is:/) Lynette and Freya do not even know each other! Anyway, Lynette came to gossip, Freya came because she was upset and the other girl( let us name her QQ) wanted to go out to eat at ''Flaagan's'' <--what kind of place is that? I never heard of it, but I remember it so clearly. But I convinced her to come to my house instead. They all came and settled down in my room, which was very very messy but no one seem to notice. Everyone wanted to talk to me, and QQ got fed up, so she said she was leaving. Freya wanted to tell me about why she was sad, so I sat on the bed to listen. But before she could start speaking, Lynette started talking about something. Freya got very upset and said she was gonna leave. I ended up talking to Lynette while thinking about how bad I felt. Such a weird dream....in the first place, none of the people is as I know them to be. I was so out of control of the situation, I was like a bystander watching while things happen. As for QQ, I have no idea who she is. Is she a future friend I will make? This is so creepy.
Yup, that's all. This is was such a bad week, I am glad it is over. Thank you for all the public holidays:) Three long weekends in a row. Wonderful. Ciao!
You know something? I always think and think about why my life seems so difficult. Why must I go through such emotional distress and torture? Why is it that some people have it so easy? Then I realized something. My life is actually not very difficult at all. It is just that I sometimes take things too hard. I see some things that are said about me to be something that is against me. I am just to sensitive to the things that are happening around me. It can be a little disturbing. Adding to that, I am a very (x1000) emotional person. I feel very strongly(is this the correct way to express it?) Well, I cry at movies, I cry when I read my books and I cry when I listen to songs. WHO DOES THAT? 0.0 Anyway, the one of the songs in question happens to be this:
It is a very old song, but I just felt so....sad when I heard it. Maybe you will not feel the same way as I do, but I think it is a great song. How do I help you say goodbye by Patty Loveless.
I had a really really weird dream this week. I invited three friends over to my house for three different reasons. Lynette, Freya and someone(I do not know who this person is:/) Lynette and Freya do not even know each other! Anyway, Lynette came to gossip, Freya came because she was upset and the other girl( let us name her QQ) wanted to go out to eat at ''Flaagan's'' <--what kind of place is that? I never heard of it, but I remember it so clearly. But I convinced her to come to my house instead. They all came and settled down in my room, which was very very messy but no one seem to notice. Everyone wanted to talk to me, and QQ got fed up, so she said she was leaving. Freya wanted to tell me about why she was sad, so I sat on the bed to listen. But before she could start speaking, Lynette started talking about something. Freya got very upset and said she was gonna leave. I ended up talking to Lynette while thinking about how bad I felt. Such a weird dream....in the first place, none of the people is as I know them to be. I was so out of control of the situation, I was like a bystander watching while things happen. As for QQ, I have no idea who she is. Is she a future friend I will make? This is so creepy.
Yup, that's all. This is was such a bad week, I am glad it is over. Thank you for all the public holidays:) Three long weekends in a row. Wonderful. Ciao!
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