July 31, 2011

5 Cool DIYs I wanna try! #4

Well. I have been unbelievably studious lately. It is so tiring:( My conclusion is that I am not very productive at studying. If only we can apply international trade here. Then Apphia can be the brains, I can be the wittiness and we can exchange by brain diffusion. Of course, This will only be able to happen in my dreams. Anyway, Since I do not have the time to craft, I console myself by looking for things I can craft when 1st December comes. I am scared and excited. There are only 100 days more till As. I am so not prepared. So I shall not talk more and list down those cool DIYs so I will be able to get back to studying:/
This is so cute. A little time consuming though.

I love the look of this. It is a little classy. It reminds me of little girls in frocks. They usually wear headbands like these.
I had the ugly version of this when I was younger. Wish I had this instead. I would want little rabbit on it(something Sailormoon wold have)

Click to Enlarge
I have an idea for this, not exactly the same, but using this technique. It will involve crochet.

I have to admit. I tried making this, but because the shirt material, my inexperience and my "professionistism", it was pretty much a disaster. So till I get a new shirt to play with, this will be on my list of DIYs to try.

Yupyup, so that is all for now. Ciao!


July 27, 2011

Sewing patterns to try ~Dresses

I feel much better now. When I get my sewing machine, I am so gonna try find these in Singapore. I think it is quite difficult to find, but if left with no choice, I can find someone to help me to send some from overseas. Well. Singapore is the most open economy in the world, I am sure I would be able to find at least one sewing pattern here. Haha. 


I love the design for C. Somehow, I have this weakness for dresses with a bar? below. I think it makes the dress look less like a wallpaper, especially if the dress is made from the same fabric.

I like the black dress with pattern E. When I look at this, I remember a top that I saw on a girl in a drama. She wore a halter top, and it is tied into a big bow. When she wears a cardigan, and tie her hair in a high bun, it looked sososo cute! Ah. I wish I could carry off that look, but thick necks are not so pleasing to see. Round faces either:/
I like all the dresses in this pattern! Maybe it is because of the colour combination they used. It is so pleasing to the eye. They are also my favourite colours. Lovelove<3 It makes me want to make a maxi dress even if I cannot carry it off.
I like the bottom two dresses. Looks so pretty:)
I think this is a very cool pattern. You can mix and match the top and the bottom. But I really like the second and third dress that the models wear. I think it is because of the mixture of design of fabric. It makes the dress look more special. Love the one with pockets. It looks like a grown up's little girl's dress:)
Nicenicenice! I like all of them, but after seeing someone make pattern A, I think it is so very pretty.
It looks duper elegant, doesn't it? Imagine wearing it with a pearl necklace, you can totally be a Tai Tai already. Heh heh. 

I want to be so talented too! Ciao!


P.S. I am so looking forward to having my sewing machine!

July 26, 2011

I have bad days too.

Well...I am not feeling very well these days, physically and mentally. I feel as if the world has gone against me. It is a horrid feeling. I have started my "stay back everyday to study" routine and it is working so far. I studied more than I ever did before! However, it does not feel enough. It is like no matter how much I study, someone studied more than me, better then me, get better grades. I am pretty upset about my grades and my health had not been feeling better as well. I am sick of having to breathe through one nostril! It sounds funny, but it really is not.

I am upset that people keep belittling me. I am upset that you always make fun and laugh about my inability to enunciate my word properly. Frankly, I am a little angry about it too because when others pronounce the words wrongly, you do not correct them. Only me. I am irritated because when someone corrects my pronunciation, I am not sure if it is correct and when I say it again, someone else says it is pronounced wrongly. If you really want to correct me, pleasepleaseplease make sure that it is correct first. I am sick of having people to correct me at home and outside. Maybe I should just keep quiet. I try really really hard not to think too much about it, but the words that you say keeps resonating in my head. I tried to indicate that I do not really like to have my pronunciation being made fun of, but I do not know if you got it. It did not seem so. You do not know how much I regret not listening during Phonics lesson in Primary 1. Even if I got the pronunciation right, you insisted that it was wrong. I am pretty sure my language skills is not as bad as you think it is. I am not angry at you, as you probably do not know what I feel because I hide it pretty well. I am just expressing my feelings before I explode and cry one day. It would be so embarrassing. I do not know if you will ever read this, but if/when you do, please do not think that I am speaking against you. I am not. Because it is not the first time someone laughed at my enunciation, and it will definitely not be the last. I just hope that I will be good enough such that people will stop commenting on it.

I feel so lost. Have you ever felt that you feel like you are in the right direction, but halfway though you get really confused and feel so lost. Although you know where is your goal and how to get it, it does not feel so straight forward anymore. I dislike this feeling. When will I find my right direction? I am very troubled.

I am glad I got it all out. I realise that I can draw really scary pictures when I am upset. Really. I am shocked. I just wish it will all get better soon. Ciao.


July 23, 2011

About me.

A few months ago, I found out about this personality test that was said to be very accurate. I did it and I have to say that it is 98% true. I was amazed....actually, I still am now. Haha. It is soo cool. It described me almost to the T. Anyway, here goes the description and my comments in pink and the ones in blue is from the website :

Portrait of an ENFP - Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving
(Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Feeling)

The Inspirer

As an ENFP, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. Your secondary mode is internal, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit in with your personal value system. To tell you the truth, I do not really understand this statement. So let us skip this one. 
ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential. They live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. Their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others, more so than we see in other types. They can talk their way in or out of anything. They love life, seeing it as a special gift, and strive to make the most out of it. Hehe, This makes me sound like I am a really nice person. I do hope that I am! ;)
ENFPs have an unusually broad range of skills and talents. They are good at most things which interest them. Project-oriented, they may go through several different careers during their lifetime. To onlookers, the ENFP may seem directionless and without purpose, but ENFPs are actually quite consistent, in that they have a strong sense of values which they live with throughout their lives. Everything that they do must be in line with their values. An ENFP needs to feel that they are living their lives as their true Self, walking in step with what they believe is right. They see meaning in everything, and are on a continuous quest to adapt their lives and values to achieve inner peace. They're constantly aware and somewhat fearful of losing touch with themselves. Since emotional excitement is usually an important part of the ENFP's life, and because they are focused on keeping "centered", the ENFP is usually an intense individual, with highly evolved values. I think this is really really true. Haha, I am intense>.<
An ENFP needs to focus on following through with their projects. This can be a problem area for some of these individuals. Unlike other Extraverted types, ENFPs need time alone to center themselves, and make sure they are moving in a direction which is in sync with their values. ENFPs who remain centered will usually be quite successful at their endeavors. Others may fall into the habit of dropping a project when they become excited about a new possibility, and thus they never achieve the great accomplishments which they are capable of achieving.I agree with this, but I felt sad while reading it. I want to achieve many things. I hope I do!
Most ENFPs have great people skills. They are genuinely warm and interested in people, and place great importance on their inter-personal relationships. ENFPs almost always have a strong need to be liked. Sometimes, especially at a younger age, an ENFP will tend to be "gushy" and insincere, and generally "overdo" in an effort to win acceptance. However, once an ENFP has learned to balance their need to be true to themselves with their need for acceptance, they excel at bringing out the best in others, and are typically well-liked. They have an exceptional ability to intuitively understand a person after a very short period of time, and use their intuition and flexibility to relate to others on their own level. I do not know if I was gushy, but I agree with having a need for acceptance.
Because ENFPs live in the world of exciting possibilities, the details of everyday life are seen as trivial drudgery. They place no importance on detailed, maintenance-type tasks, and will frequently remain oblivious to these types of concerns. When they do have to perform these tasks, they do not enjoy themselves. This is a challenging area of life for most ENFPs, and can be frustrating for ENFP's family members. I do not like cleaning up the house.
An ENFP who has "gone wrong" may be quite manipulative - and very good at it. The gift of gab which they are blessed with makes it naturally easy for them to get what they want. However, most ENFPs will not abuse their abilities, because that would not jive with their value systems. How do you define an ENFP who has ''gone wrong''? I agree with the second statement.
ENFPs sometimes make serious errors in judgment. They have an amazing ability to intuitively perceive the truth about a person or situation, but when they apply judgment to their perception, they may jump to the wrong conclusions. Totally agree, that is why I do not judge. Yay me!
ENFPs who have not learned to follow through may have a difficult time remaining happy in marital relationships. Always seeing the possibilities of what could be, they may become bored with what actually is. However, the strong sense of values will keep many ENFPs dedicated to their relationships. ENFPs like a little excitement in their lives, and are best matched with individuals who are comfortable with change and new experiences. :/ I want to be happy. 
Having an ENFP parent can be a fun-filled experience, but may be stressful at times for children with strong Sensing or Judging tendencies. Such children may see the ENFP parent as inconsistent and difficult to understand, as the children are pulled along in the whirlwind life of the ENFP. Sometimes the ENFP will want to be their child's best friend, and at other times they will play the parental authoritarian. But ENFPs are always consistent in their value systems, which they will impress on their children above all else, along with a basic joy of living. Not applicable to me(yet). but it sounds like me. 
ENFPs are basically happy people. They may become unhappy when they are confined to strict schedules or mundane tasks. Consequently, ENFPs work best in situations where they have a lot of flexibility, and where they can work with people and ideas. Many go into business for themselves. They have the ability to be quite productive with little supervision, as long as they are excited about what they're doing. AGREE. Therefore, I need to be more excited about studying NOW.
Because they are so alert and sensitive, constantly scanning their environments, ENFPs often suffer from muscle tension. They have a strong need to be independent, and resist being controlled or labeled. They need to maintain control over themselves, but they do not believe in controlling others. Their dislike of dependence and suppression extends to others as well as to themselves. Explains my constant muscle aches.
ENFPs are charming, ingenuous, risk-taking, sensitive, people-oriented individuals with capabilities ranging across a broad spectrum. They have many gifts which they will use to fulfill themselves and those near them, if they are able to remain centered and master the ability of following through. Nice way to describe me. I hope it is true:)

ENFP Relationships

ENFPs take their relationships very seriously, but also approach them with a childlike enthusiasm and energy. They seek and demand authenticity and depth in their personal relationships, and will put forth a lot of effort into making things work out. They are warm, considerate, affirming, nurturing, and highly invested in the health of the relationship. They have excellent interpersonal skills, and are able to inspire and motivate others to be the best that they can be. Energetic and effervescent, the ENFP is sometimes smothering in their enthusiasm, but are generally highly valued for their genuine warmth and high ideals.
Oh dear, I hope I did not smother you with my ethusiasm?

ENFP Strengths

Most ENFPs will exhibit the following strengths with regards to relationships issues:
  • Good communication skills YAY
  • Very perceptive about people's thought and motives Nice
  • Motivational, inspirational; bring out the best in others I knew it, I am awesome. 
  • Warmly affectionate and affirming affectionate huh? ;D
  • Fun to be with - lively sense of humor, dramatic, energetic, optimistic I think the four adjectives describes me very well, but I hoe that that equates to being fun to be with. 
  • Strive for "win-win" situations I agree, I do not believe it gaining in someone's loss.
  • Driven to meet other's needs I think I do that too much.
  • Usually loyal and dedicated Even my name says so!

ENFP Weaknesses

Most ENFPs will exhibit the following weaknesses with regards to relationship issues:
  • Tendency to be smothering :(
  • Their enthusiasm may lead them to be unrealistic I know so. I have a wild imagination. 
  • Uninterested in dealing with "mundane" matters such as cleaning, paying bills, etc. Who likes paying bills-__-
  • Hold onto bad relationships long after they've turned bad I hope I will not do that.
  • Extreme dislike of conflict Very true. But why is a bad thing? Peace is goooood.
  • Extreme dislike of criticism This is not good for me, I know. But I cannot help it , okay?
  • Don't pay attention to their own needs Get into trouble for this sometimes.
  • Constant quest for the perfect relationship may make them change relationships frequently not applicable yet.
  • May become bored easily VERY
  • Have difficulty scolding or punishing others TOTALLY

ENFPs as Lovers

"To love means to open ourselves to the negative as well as the positive - to grief, sorrow, and disappointment as well as to joy, fulfillment, and an intensity of consciousness we did not know was possible before." -- Rollo May
I am not commenting on this-.- it is too weird to do so.
ENFPs make warm, considerate, passionate partners who are generally willing, eager, and able to do whatever it takes to make The Relationship a positive place to be. They are enthusiastic, idealistic, focused on other people's feelings, and very flexible. These attributes combine to make them especially interested in positive personal relationships, and also makes them very able to promote strong relationships in fun and creative ways. ENFPs take their commitments very seriously, and are generally deeply loyal and faithful to their partners.
There are a couple of difficult relationship areas for the ENFP. The first problem is that many ENFPs have a problem leaving bad relationships. They tend to internalize any problems and take them on their own shoulders, believing that the success or failure of the relationship is their own responsibility. As perfectionists, they don't like to admit defeat, and will stick with bad situations long after they should have left. When they do leave the relationship, they will believe that the failure was their fault, and that there was surely something they could have done to save the relationship.
On the entirely other end of the spectrum, many ENFPs have a difficult time staying focused and following things through to completion. If they have not focused on their ability to follow through, they may have problems staying in dedicated, monogamous relationships. They are so in tune with all of the exciting possibilities of what could be, that they will always fantasize about a greener pasture out there somewhere. If they are not paired with a partner who enjoys new experiences, or who shares their idealistic enthusiasm, the ENFP may become bored. The ENFP who is bored and who is not focused will be very unhappy, and will eventually "leave" the relationship if the problem is not addressed.
Since relationships are central to the ENFP's life, they will be very "hands on" and involved with their intimate relationships. They may be in the habit of constantly asking their partner how they're doing, what they're feeling, etc. This behavior may be a bit smothering, but it also supports a strong awareness of the health (or illness) of the relationship.
Sexually, The ENFP is creative, perfectionist, playful and affectionate. Their rich fantasy world makes them fun and creative lovers, who usually have new ideas up their sleeves. They whole-heartedly embrace the opportunity for closeness with their mates, believing sexual intimacy to be a positive, fun way to express how much you love each other.
The ENFP needs to be given positive assurance and affirmation. More than one ENFP has been known to "go fishing" for compliments. They like to hear from their significant others that they are loved and valued, and are willing and eager to return the favor. They enjoy lavishing love and affection on their mates, and are creative and energetic in their efforts to please. The ENFP gets a lot of their personal satisfaction from observing the happiness of others, and so is generally determined to please and serve their partners.
A problem area for ENFPs in relationships is their dislike of conflict and sensitivity to criticism. They are perfectionists who believe that any form of criticism is a stab at their character, which is very difficult for them to take. Conflict situations are sources of extreme stress to the ENFP. They have a tendency to brush issues under the rug rather than confront them head-on, if there is likely to be a conflict. They are also prone to "give in" easily in conflict situations, just to end the conflict. They might agree to something which goes against their values just to end the uncomfortable situation. In such cases, the problem is extended and will return at a later time. The ENFP needs to realize that conflict situations are not the end of the world. They are entirely normal, and can be quite helpful for the growth of a relationship. They also need to work on taking criticism for what it is, rather than blowing up any negative comment into an indictment against their entire character.
Generally, the ENFP is a warm and affirming creature who is very interested and able to have an intense, meaningful, close relationship with their mate.
Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, ENFP's natural partner is the INTJ, or theINFJ. ENFP's dominant function of Extraverted Intuition is best matched with a partner whose dominant function is Introverted Intuition. How did we arrive at this?

ENFPs as Parents

"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth...
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable." -- Kahlil Gibran
Not a parent yet, but it sounds like me!
ENFPs take their parenting role very seriously, but are also very playful. There's a bit of grown-up kid in every ENFP, so they get a lot of fun and enjoyment from playing with their children. However, they consider it essential to pass their strongly-held values and beliefs down to their children, and will strive consistently to create a positive, ideal environment for their children's growth.
The ENFP may exhibit an inconsistency in their roles with their children. At one moment, they might be their child's best friend, laughing and whooping it up, and in the next moment they may appear the stern authoritarian. This inconsistency seems to be a result of a conflict between the ENFP's genuine desire to relate to their children on the children's level, and their compulsion to follow their deeply-felt value system. In other words, the ENFP wants to be their child's friend, but if a value is violated, they will revert to the parental role to make sure their children understand the violation. This inconsistency may be confusing and frustrating for the children.
The children of ENFPs generally feel loved, because the ENFP gives their children plenty of genuine warmth and support. They usually value their children as individuals, allowing them room for growth. The ENFP's enthusiasm and affection may at times seem smothering to their children. This will be especially true for children with strong Thinking or Sensing preferences, who will have a difficult time understanding the effervescence of the ENFP, and will feel at times embarrassed by the ENFP's enthusiasm and tendency to display their affection publicly.
The ENFP is able to take care of day-to-day necessities, such as picking children up at the correct times, getting them to softball practice, getting them fed, etc. However, it is a chore for the ENFP and is not a natural strength. The ENFP also has a difficult time disciplining their children, unless a very strongly-held value has been violated.
The rich imagination and creativity of the ENFP parent creates a fun, dynamic and exciting environment for kids. The ENFP's strong value system turns experiences into meaningful lessons for their children. The ENFP parent is valued by their children for their warm, affirming natures, and their fun-loving approach to living.

ENFPs as Friends

ENFPs are warm and sociable people who are keenly in tune with other people's feelings and perspectives. They are energetic and fun to be with. They are very affirming, and get great satisfaction from supporting and lifting up others. They are idealists who seek authenticity in their personal relationships. ENFPs are valued by their peers and confidantes as warm, supportive, giving people.
In the workplace or other casual relationship environments, the ENFP is likely to get along well with almost all other types of people. ENFPs are genuinely interested in people, and are highly perceptive about them, to the point where they're able to understand and relate to all of the personality types with relative ease. They like to see the best in others, and are likely to bring out the best in others. While they are generally accepting of most all people, ENFPs with strong Feeling preferences may have a difficult time understanding people with very strong Thinking preferences who do not respond to the ENFP's enthusiastic warmth. The ENFP will stay open-minded about what they consider a "rejection" by the Thinker, until the situation has repeated itself a few times, in which case the ENFP may shut themselves entirely against the Thinker. I think this might be true:/ 
ENFPs may also feel threatened by individuals with strong Judging preferences. With a tendency to take any criticism personally, the ENFP may find themselves irritated or emotional when the Judger expresses a negative opinion, believing somehow that the Judger is expressing disapproval or disappointment in the ENFP. YES:'( I will keep thinking about it and become very self conscious.
For close friendships, ENFPs are especially drawn to other iNtuitive Feeling types, and to other Extraverts who are also enthusiastic about life. Like the other iNtuitive Feeling types, the ENFP needs authenticity and depth in their close relationships. They're likely to have friends from all walks of life who they feel close to and care about, but will have only a few very close friends with similar ideals to their own. The ENFP also tends to value the company of iNtuitive Thinkers. Maybe? Difficult to determine if you do not know your friend's personality types.

Careers for ENFP Personality Types

Whether you're a young adult trying to find your place in the world, or a not-so-young adult trying to find out if you're moving along the right path, it's important to understand yourself and the personality traits which will impact your likeliness to succeed or fail at various careers. It's equally important to understand what is really important to you. When armed with an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and an awareness of what you truly value, you are in an excellent position to pick a career which you will find rewarding.
ENFPs generally have the following traits:
  • Project-oriented
  • Bright and capable
  • Warmly, genuinely interested in people; great people skills
  • Extremely intuitive and perceptive about people
  • Able to relate to people on their own level
  • Service-oriented; likely to put the needs of others above their own
  • Future-oriented
  • Dislike performing routine tasks
  • Need approval and appreciation from others
  • Cooperative and friendly
  • Creative and energetic
  • Well-developed verbal and written communication skills
  • Natural leaders, but do not like to control people
  • Resist being controlled by others
  • Can work logically and rationally - use their intuition to understand the goal and work backwards towards it
  • Usually able to grasp difficult concepts and theories
ENFPs are lucky in that they're good at quite a lot of different things. An ENFP can generally achieve a good degree of success at anything which has interested them. However, ENFPs get bored rather easily and are not naturally good at following things through to completion. Accordingly, they should avoid jobs which require performing a lot of detailed, routine-oriented tasks. They will do best in professions which allow them to creatively generate new ideas and deal closely with people. They will not be happy in positions which are confining and regimented.
The following list of professions is built on our impressions of careers which would be especially suitable for an ENFP. It is meant to be a starting place, rather than an exhaustive list. There are no guarantees that any or all of the careers listed here would be appropriate for you, or that your best career match is among those listed.
Possible Career Paths for the ENFP:
  • Consultant
  • Psychologist
  • Entrepreneur
  • Actor
  • Teacher
  • Counselor
  • Politician / Diplomat YAY!
  • Writer / Journalist
  • Television Reporter
  • Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, or Computer Specialist
  • Scientist YAY!
  • Engineer
Okay, after reading my personality type, please do not go judging me. If you do, do not tell me. Or maybe do tell me. But I think everyone should try this:) It is informative. I wish I thought of using the description here for my SGC/testimonial. But no, it was only when my friend mentioned it that I realised I should have!

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you the website I went to do the test. Try it! :D You might be pleasantly/not so pleasantly surprised!

Oh and according to another description of ENFPs, I have the same personality as....ARIEL! From The Little Mermaid. She is my favourite Disney princess ever! Now I know why I lovelovelove her. We are a kindred spirit! Who cares if she is a fictional character. I wonder about Usagi-chan's personality.(Sailor Moon)

Anyway, if you read the entire thing, thank you for your kind attention. I am glad someone is actually interested in listening to me. It does not feel that way sometimes:/ Ciao!


July 17, 2011

Forward neck position:(

Well. I just discovered what is wrong with me!!! This is so sad:( I am suffering from something called the forward head position! I am mega upset. But, I guess it is good that I found out what is the problem. Because diagnosing the problem is the key to solving the problem, right? Haha.

Anyway, let me tell you what happened to me. My parents always asked me to straighten my back, but I always felt that my back is straight. I mean, you will know if you are standing straight when you are standing, right? So, I always felt irritated when they asked me to straighten my back. But then, I realized that it is not my back which is hunched, the problem seemed to be with the shoulders. So I went to observe my parent's back and discovered that my father and I had back fats(which is really saddening) It went on for a while, me blaming my genes for back fats. Then today, I decided to do research on back fats. I learned something entirely new! I probably look like this.
source: http://www.fitsugar.com/Quick-Fixes-Forward-Head-8206850
Okay, maybe not that bad yet. But I do not want it to become like this :'(

There are several causes of FHP:( But I am pretty sure that mine is due to me reading a lot in primary and secondary school. Because looking down at a book too much causes FHP and mine developed during secondary school. I was a hopeless bookworm, devouring at least three books a day. Yes, unbelievable but true, even if those books were thrashy romance. Haha!

 :'( FHP is so problematic. but I understand so much better now. I always have lower back aches when I stand too long or carry my school back:( That was because I am putting a lot of weight on my spine. Poor spine.

I am determined to correct this though I would still have my back fats(I researched. It is one of the most difficult kinds of fat to get rid of:( ) Argh. I hope by doing the exercises I found on youtube (I hope it is reliable) I would be rid of FHP. If not, I think I will invest some money when I work after 'A's to see some back doctor.

Why is my life like that? :( Maybe I accumulated too much bad karma. I must do more good deeds:)

That's all. Sadlifemax. Ciao!


July 10, 2011

In my shopping cart...#4 Shoes galore

Well, the Great Singapore Sales is going to be over soon and I hope to go shopping one more time next week. But anyway, assuming I have the money, the things I want to buy now are:

Poetic Licence Apple Pie
I love the polka dots on this shoe. So cute! I can totally imagine it with a little pink dress:)

I have to say, this is my absolute favorite shoe. It has everything I love! Polka dots, pink, Disney, Mary Jane and dangly stuff! I lovelovelove this.

Nope, those are not my legs but let's concentrate on the shoes, shall we? I like to crochet so I definitely like crochet stuff. These shoes are so sweet. 
I am trying to find something like these in Singapore, but I think Singaporeans are not really into bedroom slippers because of the weather. I love wearing bedroom slippers because the are comfy, but sometimes it gets too warm for comfort. These would be perfect!
I have always liked Clark's shoes because they are always so cute and comfy. This is not an exception. If only I had the money to get one of these in real life. Sigh.

Oh well, that's all for today. I hope you liked what I liked! Ciao!

P.S.I will be rich.

Rebecca :)

July 09, 2011

Be careful of the law of attraction-.-

Well, before I tell you my personal experinence that happened in Tuesday, I will give you a brief background on the law of attraction. According to wiki, "The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical New Thought belief that "like attracts like", that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results, respectively.[1][2][3][4] According to the Law of Attraction, the phrase "I need more money" allows the subject to continue to "need more money". If the subject wants to change this they would focus their thoughts on the goal (having more money) rather than the problem (needing more money). This might take the form of phrases such as "I have as much money as I need" or "I have a job that pays very well"."

So anyway, what happened was that I had an exam that day at 1300 for Economics. I reached the bus stop at about 1210. It usually takes me 30 to 45 minutes to reach school so I figured I would be just on time. But at the bus stop I was thinking about what people who are late for exams do? Do they get to take the exam? Or will they not be allowed to enter the examination area? As I was thinking, I realized that it had been 15 minutes and the bus had not arrived! I was like, oh no. I decided to take the train because it would take me 20 minutes to get to school by train usually in the mornings. I reached the train station at 1240 and realized that I missed the train and the next train is 7 minutes later! I was like, oh my god, and I waited. When I reached the next train station where I was supposed to change train, I discovered that I missed the train again! I would have to wait 5 minutes for the next train. I was panicking at that time because it was 1250!!! I decided to take a taxi. The ride costed me $5.00. When  I reached school, the time was 1257! I ran up to the examination hall and walked in. Guess what? Everyone was already inside. My table was on the first row, which meant that I had to walk all the way to the front and everyone stared at me(I know they did.) I was so disoriented that my fingers were shaking like crazy. I got through the paper. Thank god I got there before the paper started. PHEW.

Anyway, I kept thinking about how I should not have thought of people being late before my paper. The law of attraction kept resonating in my head. I will not have negative thoughts in my head anymore. The consequences are too scary. Which leads me to another topic.

From now on,
I am skinny
I will be rich
I will study hard
I will not procrastinate
I will babble less
I am an amazing person ;)

Okay. That's all I wanted to say. I am glad I finally get to fully rant about this incident. Ciao!


July 02, 2011

Supposed to be studying -.-

Well, I know you are not expecting me till next week, but quite a number things have happened and I cannot wait to record it down before I forget it. I am an awfully forgetful person:/

Anyway, I had this really weird dream the night before one of my exams. So weird that I remembered it. What happened was we bought mealworms from the fish shop to feed the fishes. Then, I had this idea that mealworms eat up ants and since I have ants in my room, I decided to bring some to my room to eat up all the ants. But the next day, weird insects started appearing in my room, big insects that looked like giant crickets and  big spiders:( It was like I had the entire food chain in my room! So disgusting. I was so afraid that I locked myself out of the room. Then, I woke up. I suppose that I got this dream because I saw a video about mealworms the night before. The show was quite interesting though(if you are quite a sadistic) You can watch it here.

My phone also decided to give me some problems, I could not charge it. Luckily, I managed to get on to the forum and solve the problem. Yay. The forum had friendly people who helped me solve the problem. But I cannot wait to change my phone in November or December. I was thinking of changing it to a Samsung phone because they use the same technology as iphone.

I bought something online and I got it today! I am so happy! Haha. Let me show you what I got from Mr. Postman!

Tada! My new butt cushion, bath scrubbie and cross stitch. I bought all these from SGlady. They have really interesting things there, but what I like best about it was free shipping around Singapore<3 

I bought the cushion because of my uncomfortable chair I have at home. I have to say that the cushion is much smaller than expected, but it makes my chair so much more comfortable. I am glad that it is pink. With this cushion, I find it more comfortable to sit straight. So I think it is quite worth it>.< It costs $25.90 and there were cheaper options around the net, but I bought this one because I know the website  is efficient.

I am disappointed in the bath scrubbie though. Not because it is blue, but because it is not very...dense? I do not know how to explain, but it is not as scrubable as the one that I bought before. But for 90 cents, I should not expect too much. The one I got previously was $3.90.

I got the DIY cross stitch keychain for free. I am glad because I was thinking of trying cross stitch for a while, but I also do not want something which is time-consuming so this came at the right moment for me:)

I am having a crafting craving now. But I know it is not good now because my exams have not technically ended. But we will see. I want to deco my thumbdrive:/