My last A levels paper was on the 3rd of December. I did not work till the 10th of Janurary at Starhub as a Customer Care Consultant A.K.A Call agent. I worked there till the 28th of Feburary. That's 2 months. It was a really interesting job I guess. Understanding how a Telco company worked was enlightening for me. I did my best to serve all the different customers and OMG. Can you just imagine? I answer phone calls every day without actually knowing how the person on the other end looks like? My imagination went wild! *stereotyping alert* Oh well. I heard(never met) mean customers, nice customers, weird customers, auntie customers. Interesting. I enjoyed the pay and the stress(just a bit). I decided to leave the company in the end. Of course I made up an excuse about hating the job and the timing was bad and yada yada. But I know the ultimate not-so-nice truth. I was afraid. Results for A-levels was on the 2nd of March. The people who worked there were also getting their results on the same day. I did not want to go back to work teary-eyed and face the customers who may not know and hear them rant. I might just break down and cry. This sounds mean. I know. But if I wanted to provide quality service(and I think I do) I better do it when I am a happy person. All that was left when I left was this:-
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Don't belittle this. |
I took a very long break after that. No a very happy break though. I was worrying and worrying about what I was gonna do in the near future. I did not get sparkling grades. Very very not very nice grades. I cried. I ranted. I did blog about the really really sad me. But god was kind and he probably knew I was made to do something. So he made me wait then give me something I was very thankful for.
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2 out of 3 acceptance letters |
Imagine my relief when I got the acceptance for Sociology. Phew. I was really very thankful. I got the acceptance for Nursing a few days later, but I knew. I knew where I wanted to go. SMU rejected me flat down. But I was like, okay....stuck up uni. Boo you. It was not even a "sorry to say, but you did not make it" letter. It was a "too many students applied and you did not make it" :( Boo.
I sealed my fate with this.
Can you imagine? I wonder if someone ever clicked on the last one accidentally. Boo.
Thank you. |
So I happily went to work at NCS. It was such a big company. I was impressed and amazed. I met wonderful IT people there and leveled up in IT savviness. I was the IT person. Whooo! Haha. I remoted and remoted and remoted into the servers! Whoops! It was magic, I tell you! I did not know what I was doing most of the time, but it was brainless. click click. Type. Excel excel excel. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V,Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+S, Alt+f4. OMG. My excel ability leveled up the most. I met Kar Luen, Henry, Lwin, Cassandra, and many others. They were so nice to the temp staffs(Xing Juan and I) I was astonished my the lack of people with chromosomes XX over there. But I guess I got used to it a little. Did not talk much though. They spoke mainly Chinese. Haha. I am a little amused at how they would speak in Chinese to everyone but me. I wanted to say it is fine! I can understand Chinese perfectly. I just don't really speak in Chinese! But okay. I was there from 3rd May to 13 July. 2 months and 10 days. On the second last day of work, we got a farewell lunch at Nippon village. Free food :P Carolyn, the admin staff upstairs got us Swarovski pens on behalf of everyone in EMS. Touched was I :") It was pink.
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I don't think I would bear to use it. |
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Awesome butterfly paper for the awesome lab people. |
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Xing Juan and I |
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Nasi Lemak, because I missed the Curry Chicken for the 2nd time. |
Second last meal at the Bistro. Where Xing Juan's cousin's cousin works. Haha. Remember when we first went there, we forgot to take our drinks. After talking for a while we realised we were supposed to get our drinks when we ordered our food. So funny. Luckily the auntie helped us.
I will miss having Milo drinks in the afternoon. OMG. EMS lab(where I worked) was so coldddd! I wore an orange jacket, cardigan and and top and jeans and still feel cold. I use my right hand to use the mouse and stick my left in the pocket 90% of the time.
So ya. End of working life and going back to school life in a while. I have orientation camp next week. A little worried about what they might make I do, but excited to see Penny again. Penny power! Haha. God must have sent her to me:D Because she was the only other person who was in NTU and she gave me so many tips and help I do not know how to repay her! Thanks Penny! <3 you lots! Because you helped me, you have accumulated good karma^^
So ya. That's about the end of what I wanted to tell you for this post. It ended up like a grandmother story. Heheheh. Sorry lah! I long-winded can? Singlish overload!!! Singlish can be quite awesome. Blah. :P
Okay. So that's really all for today. Ciao!
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